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'Sincerely sorry' - University Hospitals Birmingham chief vows to act over staff safety fears

Birmingham Live, 27th September 2023

There's been a strong reaction to the findings of a new review into the culture at University Hospitals Birmingham which runs the QE, Heartlands, Good Hope and Solihull

Preet Kaur Gill, MP whose Edgbaston constituency includes the UHB headquarters at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, said she was very concerned that so many staff were reporting such terrible experiences, seemingly without being taken seriously. She pledged to press for more answers when she meets with hospital executives next week.

"It does appear many staff were suffering on their watch, without them apparently realising, and even now the leadership is not listening," she said after reading the report. "The chief executive has pledged to chair a new culture and inclusion board but I think this is completely missing the point and frankly it worries me.

"Someone independent of the executive team should chair that board and ensure the recommendations of the review are fully implemented. People like Roger Kline (who chaired the review) or other external advisors should be closely involved.

"That will give people the confidence that they understand that it's because of their leadership that this poor culture has been allowed to thrive." Elected MPs and local councillors should also be part of the process of accountability, she said.

"We need transparency too about who, if anyone, has been held accountable. This report and others before it contain shocking information, yet we have not been informed of any action resulting against individuals. That is not the way to rebuild trust."

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